
This guide aims to provide guidance on how to report and respond to information security breaches that may affect, its customers, or its partners. Information security breaches are incidents that compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information assets, such as personal data, intellectual property, or business operations. Examples of information security breaches include:

  • Unauthorized access to or disclosure of personal data or sensitive information
  • Loss or theft of devices or media containing personal data or sensitive information
  • Malware infection or ransomware attack that encrypts or destroys data
  • Denial-of-service attack that disrupts the availability of the website or services
  • Phishing or social engineering attack that tricks users into divulging credentials or information
  • Insider threat or sabotage that damages or misuses data or systems

Information security breaches can have serious consequences for, such as:

  • Legal liability and regulatory sanctions for violating data protection laws, such as the UK GDPR
  • Reputational damage and loss of trust from customers, partners, and stakeholders
  • Financial losses and operational disruptions due to recovery costs, fines, compensation claims, or business interruption
  • Competitive disadvantage and loss of market share due to exposure of trade secrets or customer data

Therefore, it is essential that has a robust and effective process for reporting and responding to information security breaches in a timely and appropriate manner.

Roles and Responsibilities

The following roles and responsibilities are assigned for information security breach reporting and response:

  • Data Protection Officer (DPO): The DPO is responsible for overseeing the compliance with data protection laws and regulations, such as the UK GDPR. The DPO is also the main point of contact for the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO), the UK's data protection authority. The DPO can be contacted at [email protected].
  • Information Security Manager (ISM): The ISM is responsible for managing the information security policies and procedures, as well as the technical and organisational measures to protect the information assets of The ISM is also the leader of the Information Security Breach Response Team (ISBRT), which is composed of representatives from different functions and departments within The ISM can be contacted at [email protected].
  • Information Security Breach Response Team (ISBRT): The ISBRT is responsible for coordinating and executing the information security breach response plan, which includes identifying, containing, analysing, resolving, and learning from information security breaches. The ISBRT members are:
  • Information Security Manager (ISM)
  • Data Protection Officer (DPO)
  • IT Manager
  • Legal Counsel
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Customer Service Manager
  • Business Continuity Manager
  • All Employees: All employees are responsible for complying with the information security policies and procedures of, as well as reporting any suspected or actual information security breaches to the ISM as soon as possible.

Reporting Process

The following steps describe the process for reporting an information security breach:

Detection: Any employee who suspects or discovers an information security breach should immediately report it to the ISM by email at ism@checkmot. The employee should provide as much information as possible about the breach, such as:

  • When and how did the breach occur?
  • What type and amount of data or information was involved?
  • Who was affected by the breach?
  • What was the impact or potential impact of the breach?
  • What actions have been taken so far to contain or mitigate the breach?

Assessment: The ISM will acknowledge the receipt of the report and initiate an assessment of the breach. The ISM will determine whether the breach is confirmed or not, and whether it requires further investigation or escalation. The ISM will also notify the DPO if the breach involves personal data that may need to be reported to the ICO.Notification: If the breach is confirmed and requires escalation, the ISM will convene the ISBRT and notify them of the breach. The ISBRT will then follow the information security breach response plan to handle the breach. The ISBRT will also notify any relevant internal or external parties that may be affected by or involved in the breach resolution, such as:

  • Senior management
  • Customers
  • Partners
  • Suppliers
  • Law enforcement agencies
  • Regulators

The notification should include relevant information about the breach, such as:

  • The nature and extent of the breach
  • The actions taken or planned to contain and resolve the breach
  • The expected impact or consequences of the breach
  • The contact details for further inquiries or assistance

The notification should also comply with any legal or contractual obligations regarding information security breach reporting, such as:

  • Reporting personal data breaches to the ICO within 72 hours of becoming aware of them, as required by the UK GDPR
  • Reporting communications services security breaches to the ICO within 24 hours of becoming aware of them, as required by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR)

Response Plan

The following steps describe the plan for responding to an information security breach:

Containment: The ISBRT will take immediate actions to contain the breach and prevent it from spreading or causing further damage. This may include:

  • Isolating or disconnecting the affected systems or devices
  • Changing or resetting passwords or access codes
  • Blocking or deleting unauthorized accounts or transactions
  • Recovering or retrieving the compromised data or information

Analysis: The ISBRT will conduct a thorough analysis of the breach and its root causes. This may include:

  • Collecting and preserving evidence related to the breach
  • Identifying and assessing the vulnerabilities or weaknesses that led to the breach
  • Evaluating the impact or severity of the breach on the information assets, business operations, and stakeholders
  • Estimating the likelihood and consequences of recurrence or escalation of the breach

Resolution: The ISBRT will implement appropriate measures to resolve the breach and restore normal operations. This may include:

  • Repairing or replacing the damaged or corrupted systems or devices
  • Restoring or recovering the lost or deleted data or information from backups or other sources
  • Updating or patching the software or firmware to fix the security flaws
  • Enhancing or strengthening the security controls and safeguards to prevent or deter future breaches

Communication: The ISBRT will communicate regularly and transparently with all relevant parties throughout the breach response process. This may include:

  • Providing updates on the status and progress of the breach response
  • Seeking feedback or input from stakeholders on the breach resolution
  • Offering assistance or support to affected parties to mitigate the impact of the breach
  • Apologising for any inconvenience or harm caused by the breach
  • Reassuring customers and partners of's commitment to information security

Evaluation: The ISBRT will conduct a post-breach evaluation and review to learn from the experience and improve the information security posture of This may include:

  • Documenting and reporting on the breach response process and outcomes
  • Identifying and analysing the lessons learned and best practices from the breach response
  • Recommending and implementing actions for improvement and remediation
  • Monitoring and measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the improvement actions


This guide provides a framework for reporting and responding to information security breaches that may affect It is intended to help comply with its legal and contractual obligations, as well as protect its information assets, business operations, and stakeholder interests. However, this guide is not exhaustive or prescriptive, and it may need to be adapted or modified according to the specific circumstances and requirements of each breach situation. Therefore, should always exercise due diligence and professional judgement when dealing with information security breaches, and seek expert advice or assistance when necessary.